How's life? Today is a day after Chinese New Year. We are now in the different place for spending winter vacation. Anthony and Lusi are in Taiwan. Mindia is in Indonesia. I'm in Hong Kong.
Well, this is our second year in National Taiwan Ocean University. University that makes us meet, together, and proud. We enjoy dozen Chinese characters. We have hundred days of studying and traveling. We celebrate thousand dollars of scholarship.
Here in Taiwan, we make wonderful memory. We struggle as joyful Indonesians. We relish difficulties of Chinese language and easiness of Bahasa Indonesia. We share food and stories every Friday night.
A year ago as I submitted my application to NTOU, I dreamt of how would I befriend with country mates. But now, I imagine how can we make a wonderful farewell of empat sekawan. The time of saying hello and goodbye feels so close. Our graduation is just around corner :)
However, before our farewell, I just want to make a small reminder. We have to give our better best for this last semester thay we may create a sweeter future. Not only for us ourselves, but also for our family, our university, and our country.
Don't worry. Just be happy-happy, easy-easy, everyday. Remember, don't be lazy. No more games. No more gossips. No more sins. No more fool around. We need to left it all behind :)
Let us follow our university president to smile always. Follow Joyce to be enthusiastic always. Follow all the good example we know. Follow The Lord, the giver of life.
Have a nice day. I send you millions blessings from here.
Yu Ming-xia
3 komentar:
heh2, kok kayakny di 'no more' session aibku dibongkar smua y ;P ayo semangaattt, apapun yg terjadi kita harus luluss!! semangat 45! abis itu bisa bebas studi kasus lagi XD
No more fool around. No, no! I don't need nobody. Anyone to take your place, but you. No, no!
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