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Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015

Kilas Balik Yang Terlalu Panjang

Selamat hari Sabtu, tukang pos yang manis.

Aku senang sekali selama tiga puluh hari bisa berkenalan dengan sesama perempuan yang belum ber-tuan ini, eh :)

Jika diteliti, suratku berjumlah dua puluh delapan saja. Ada dua hari di mana aku tidak sempat menulis karena harus pergi kesana kemari. Pada surat yang terakhir kali ini, ijinkan aku untuk menggali kembali kenangan yang muncul dari dua puluh delapan surat. Semoga tak terlalu banyak kata tertuang, sehingga membuat semangatmu hilang.

Aku selalu mengirim surat untuk pribadi-pribadi yang berbeda. Kebanyakan untuk seseorang atau dua-tiga-empat orang yang pasti. Sebagian kecil untuk semua orang. Suratku hampir tak pernah tertuju untuk sesosok pria yang sedang aku cintai. Memang, aku belum menemukannya.

Ah kangpos, engkau tahu itu :)

Jumat, 27 Februari 2015


Uuiii, Mindi!

Apa kabar? Masih sibuk dengan persiapan pernikahan, ya? Tetap ingat istirahat dan makan secukupnya biar sehat :)

Kita ini disebut apa, sih? Teman, tapi sering ancam-ancaman. Sahabat, tapi suka tersenyum jahat. Musuh, tapi kangen pas jauh. Memang kalau sendiri seperti ini, rasanya bagai pecel tanpa sambel.

Kata Alda Risma, aku tak biasa bila tiada kau di sisiku, aku tak biasa bila ku tak mendengar suaramu. Tidak ada lagi sosok yang bisa mengiris bawang putih. Tidak ada lagi bau-bau semerbak dan bunyi-bunyi semarak. Bau dan bunyi kentut :)

Kata Rumor, aku tanpamu butiran debu. Jadi terharu dan tersedu-sedu. Huhuhu.

Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Tentang Saling Memandang

Selamat sore, ibu guru Rizki Nawang :)

Saya membaca surat ibu guru untuk sang murid, James Krisnanda. Surat dari nusantara untuk yang di luar nusantara. Saya tertawa saja. Bahagia, karena saya juga pernah ditelepon pria sederhana yang sedang jauh di sana. Bukan di negeri Tirai Bambu, tapi dia ada di negeri Paman Sam. Saya sendiri sekarang di negeri Formosa.

Memang senang ya, jika seseorang yang bukan siapa-siapa menyapa kita, tanpa disangka-sangka. Seseorang yang ternyata memandang kita dari jauh. Memandang dengan hatinya.

Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

Hong Kong Ramai Sekali!

Halo Ibuk, Halo Bapak!

Apa kabar Blitar? Hujan deras-deras, dan panas sebentar-sebentar, ya? Apa kabar si kucing kuning? Masih bugar dan gak bertengkar lagi, kan?

Siang tadi aku sudah kembali ke Taiwan. Sebelas hari aku menghabiskan seluruh jatah libur tahun baru di Hong Kong. Hong Kong, negara dengan harga properti paling mahal sedunia. Sebelas hari di sana. Sepertinya sombong, ya? Hohoho.

Senin, 23 Februari 2015

Aku dan Buku Untuk Papua

Selamat pagi, rekan-rekan Buku Untuk Papua!

Masihkah ada yang mengingatku? :)

Sudah dua belas bulan berlalu dan kenangan itu terekam selalu. Kesempatan mengenal gerakan merupakan hal mengesankan. Dan, yang lebih istimewa adalah menjadi relawan dan mengajar anak-anak di Biak. Aku sudah menjanjikan untuk menulis kisah, menampilkan foto-foto, dan menayangkan video tentang kegiatanku selama di sana, tapi hingga saat ini aku belum menunaikannya.

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

Gita Jumpa di Rantau

Halo, Brigita.

Aku gembira kau baik-baik saja.

Ah, engkau kawanku sejak dulu, walau tak banyak waktu kita bertemu. Bahkan, aku tak tahu engkau sedang di rantau. Pun tak hafal engkau berasal dari sebuah desa, Kalidahu. Tapi, aku ingat kita pernah bersama beberapa tahun lampau.

Sekarang, ternyata, kita berada di bangsa yang masih serupa. Ah, tiada pernah ku sangka. Dan baru saja kita bertatap muka, meski tak lama. Engkau selalu manis seperti sedia kala :)

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

Sentuhan Alex Komang

Kepada semua yang tersentuh oleh Alex Komang,

Di antara kalian, pastilah aku yang terkecil dalam mengagumi Alex. Aku hanya tahu satu film yang dibintangi Alex. Sebelum Pagi Terulang Kembali. Sebuah film yang membuatku benar-benar sadar betapa berharganya kehadiran Alex di dunia perfilman Indonesia.

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Graduation Is Just Around Corner

Dear empat sekawan :)

How's life? Today is a day after Chinese New Year. We are now in the different place for spending winter vacation. Anthony and Lusi are in Taiwan. Mindia is in Indonesia. I'm in Hong Kong.

Well, this is our second year in National Taiwan Ocean University. University that makes us meet, together, and proud. We enjoy dozen Chinese characters. We have hundred days of studying and traveling. We celebrate thousand dollars of scholarship.

Here in Taiwan, we make wonderful memory. We struggle as joyful Indonesians. We relish difficulties of Chinese language and easiness of Bahasa Indonesia. We share food and stories every Friday night.

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Sedikit Untuk Bosse

Selamat dini hari Bosse Pos Cinta beserta para kru tukang pos,

Semoga keberuntungan cinta mewarnai bosse dan kru sekalian, seiring dengan keberuntungan kambing pada tahun baru Cina. Demikian juga dengan keberuntungan cita-cita akan membuat alam semesta lebih tertata. Tak ada lagi perang atas nama tahta. Tak ada lagi kejahatan berdasar harta.

Yang ada hanyalah surat-surat cinta sebagai tanda mata. Seperti ribuan rasa dan kata yang dilayangkan selama dua puluh hari ke belakang. Ananda menikmati saat-saat ini. Berkomunikasi dengan diri sendiri, dengan tukang pos, dan juga dengan orang-orang yang dikenang.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Good Shepherd in Taiwan

Dear Teacher Hu,

Today is Chinese New Year's eve. You must be very busy of smiling and sharing stories with your family. This is time of togetherness. It's not too much different with me. I am now celebrating winter vacation in Hong Kong with my family. My family and I are so happy here.

This is the year of goat or sheep. I tend to mention it as the year of sheep because sheep is an unique animal. Sheep can be called as a fool animal. Sheep has thick hairs covered its body, but it must be cut time by time. Male sheep has horn, but it leads to sheep's own self. Female sheep has no horn. We may say that sheep has no weapon to protect its self. A flock of sheeps needs a shepherd to herd.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

Dear Traveling Soul

Dear traveling soul,

I know you want to go around the world. I know you like hunting affordable transportation. I know you are diligent to explore comfortable accomodation. I know you are good at planning journey.

I see you are growing up. From time to time you become more mature and secure. You are not copy-paste-ing others' expedition anymore, but you create your own road trip. You are no longer falling in love of what others' feeling, but of what you are looking at, listening to, talking about, smelling out, and touching down. Until at the end you love your self more than any other.

Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Not So Many (Ex-)Couple Like Us

Hi Jo,

How are you today? Is the cloud grey? I wish you enjoy a lovely sunny day. It's rainy here, I'm too busy for my winter vacation. It's quite strange, right, if I write something through a letter? Because we used to have chatting, although it's not too frequent. Maybe it's a surprise, but just keep reading :)

Long years ago there was a love story between us that at the very first I was sure we would be last longer. But I remember, we faced hard times during our long distance relationship. We tried to rebuild better communication, but we failed again and again. We attempted to each other loyal and care, but we floated off a bored river. So came the time when we had to terminate our title as a couple.

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Long Time No See Us

Dear Mas Hahan,

Hmm, long time no see us :)

No, I don't mean to make us fall in love as we did in the past. Or, vice versa. In this valentine's day, I really feel like lifting up zillion thanks for the love we ever shared and the forgiveness we ever exchanged. Since the first time I did appreciate how we express our love, as I celebrated our deal to not be boy/girl-friend anymore. It's more than ten years ago, right?

Jumat, 13 Februari 2015

Blessed Shepherd, Be Blessed

Dear blessed shepherd,

How are you this year? I remember, February thirteen is the day that The Lord has chosen for you. This is the age where you turn forty seven. How wise you will be :)

I begin this day by enjoying an orange. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer says,

'When you squezee an orange, orange juice comes out ~
because that's what's inside.'

When I retrace your shepherd-hood, grace-hood comes out. Yes, that's what's inside of yourself. So, I pray, may you be blessed always.

Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Mr. Spice Journey

Hey, Mr. Endro Catur Nugroho! :)

How's life? It must be good and smooth, isn't it?
Or, is it spicy and tasty?

Well, as time goes by, it's been a year since thirteen of February two thousand and four. Today last year, I completed nine-days voluntourism in Biak, Papua. Voluntourism in the name of The Spice Journey in which you incarnated your vision. I think that it's sort of accountable corporate social responsibility on your side, and of pleasant present on mine :)

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

Tertawalah Hoyi! Itu Bahagiamu

Selamat sore, engkau!

Ku dengar dari ibuku, beberapa petang menjelang Natal engkau menghilang tanpa bilang-bilang. Hingga sekarang, kau tak pernah datang. Ini kali kedua engkau pergi. Mengapakah engkau lari? Ke manakah engkau membawa diri? Adakah paru-parumu berasimilasi? Masihkah nadimu bervibrasi?

Selama engkau pergi, tak ada lagi ramai-ramai tercipta. Semua sunyi. Tak ada nyanyi-nyanyi tengah malam. Tak ada tawa terpingkal-pingkal. Tak ada marah-marah tanpa sebab. Tak ada teriak, 'Dek Mita!'. Teriak yang membuat jantungku bergerak cepat.

Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

Voluntourism di Biak, Papua

Hari ini, sepuluh Februari dua ribu empat belas, satu tahun silam, aku sedang bertandang di sebuah ruang yang dindingnya terang benderang. Warna-warni kuning, biru merah khas klub sepakbola Barcelona, terpampang indah mempesona. Di sanalah anak-anak berhimpun dalam dua rumpun kecil. Tak ada yang melamun, semua tekun menyusun balok-balok. Mereka berkompetisi merangkai balok-balok makin tinggi dan serasi agar sesuai ilustrasi.

Rumpun pertama selesai, berteriak ramai merayakan keunggulan. Rumpun kedua belum usai, tapi tak peduli, mereka tetap bergerak. Anak-anak bersorak suka hati, memberi motivasi. Tersisa beberapa balok lagi. Prak! Balok terbanting. Sedetik mereka bergeming. Sedetik kemudian, senyum sudah tersungging. Walau kecewa karena tak bisa menuntaskan tugas, anak-anak itu tetap antusias. Mereka bergegas mengemasi balok-balok itu.

Bersua Lagi Di Waktu Nanti

Halo, engkau, bapak muda yang sedang ada di ibukota!

Apa kabarmu di sana?

Lewat surat ringkas ini aku ingin melantaskan percakapan kita yang lama tak diretas. Baiklah, hari ini engkau berbunga-bunga karena perubahan usia. Ku sampaikan selamat agar engkau sehat dan mensyukuri segala nikmat. Juga, semoga engkau menjadi saluran rahmat berkat bagi keluarga dan seluruh jagad.

Senin, 09 Februari 2015

Gemini Mei, Gemini Juni

Wahai engkau sang Gemini dua puluh empat Mei :)

Kau pernah berucap bahwa kau mau surat. Surat dariku untukmu. Seperti waktu itu kau mendambakan kartupos paling rupawan dari Taiwan. Telah ku kabulkan, bukan? Betapa gagah pintamu, sebanding dengan betapa gigih upayaku. Begitulah Gemini. Sekali mengingini, sulit berhenti.

Kini, aku hendak mengikuti informasi termutakhir apa yang ingin kau bagi. Adakah kau sedang melayani tamu-tamu yang katamu datang tanpa henti? Ataukah sekarang kau tengah mendapat rehat? Aku mahfum, memang pekerjaanmu mensyaratkan limpahan aksi maklum. Agar kau tak merasa terhukum.

Ayo, sejenak kita mengaso. Gemini suka sekali bersantai, tho?

Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

Bersama Manik Uni, Kelana Sepeda

Halo, Mbak Manik Uni! Selamat pagi.

Gigi sudah sehat dua puluh empat karat, yaa? Sudahkah berencana menyantap bebek goreng lagi bareng Clareta? Bebek goreng di dekat rumahku itu. Tempat kita bertiga makan malam bersama sebelum aku kembali lagi merantau di sebuah tanah asing. Tanah Formosa sebutannya. Tenang saja, aku tidak terasing, ataupun diasingkan.

Sekarang aku sedang di Formosa, engkau di Jawa. Aku mendiami Keelung, engkau di Blitar. Aku belajar, engkau bekerja. Aku yang menggagas surat, dan engkaulah yang mendapat. Jangan lupa, nanti ada seorang perempuan muda yang akan membaca & mengirimkan ini. Namanya Iit Sibarani :)

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Westlife, The Family Men

Hello, Westlife!
How are you, Mr. Kian Egan, Mr. Nicholas Byrne, Mr. Markus Feehily, and Mr. Shane Filan? I hope you are doing homey, as the old seasons are salutary.

You are part of my late childhood, after I reached nine or ten. You are heart of my teenager era where high school life was so attractive. You are mate of my undergraduate period with your tune and episode. You are blade of my office and leisure hours. You are just great and my favourite.

Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

For Everybody To Pursue Scholarship in Taiwan

Hello, everybody! Good day there, and here :)

Do you have a dream studying abroad? Are you interested learning about ocean, maritime, and sea-related matters? Will you take a chance to consider Taiwan? Why NOT?

Well, let me introduce you myself. My name is Kartika Paramita Klara. I come from a little peaceful town, Blitar, in East Java. It is located in southern part of Indonesia, a big beautiful country. I was a teacher and counselor in a senior high school. But I am now an international master student in National Taiwan Ocean University. My major is education. Are you curious about my research project? Well, it is about an exploration of ecological philosophy for marine education. Seems too complitated? I think, no, it's easy. Hahaha.

Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

Afternoon Sweet Tea

KD :)

That's how I used to address your name. We are too hot to be reckoned just as acquaintance. We are too cold to be reputed as close mate. We enjoy our warm friendship, neither hot nor cold. Maybe Indonesian people say it likes 'hangat-hangat tahi ayam.' But, I claim, no! We would rather alike an afternoon sweet tea.

An afternoon sweet tea is humble but noble. It can rest weary eyes. It let you full-blooded. It matches for home, school, job, and parties. It is honored by the folks and royal families. An afternoon sweet tea can be enjoyed as we sit inside the rickshaw :)

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

The Two of The-Man-of-God

Hello, Aloysius and Heribertus!
Good day to the-man-of-god!

It is been so long since the last time we met on the thirteenth of February two thousand and fourteen. For me, it is hard to disengage both of you. You two are just like one package. As commercial said, 'Buy one, get one for free.' :)

I never never expected that made friend with both you will be gladden. The first time I knew your special title, I only wondered, 'Well, this is sort of another the-man-of-god.' At that time I had good relationship with many the-man-of-god who were in charge in the place where I exist. I knew dozens of the-man-of-god who come and go in a regular basis.

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

I Am Your Small Part

Dear Angga,

How are you today? I miss you since this early day. Today is your twenty ninth bornday, right? The night is just around the sight. But, still I be failed to guess the street you get laid. Strickly speaking, I want to have intimate chatting and tight hand-shaking with you.

I checked out facebook message and found out that our last conversation is on September two thousand and thirteen. I've been waiting you are writing something. A simple term such as 'I miss you' just like you made one time.

Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Proudly Small

To the jury of Proudly Small whose number is twenty seven,

There is no doubt that I am proud to cry out my ideas about smallness. I was born in the small city, but in the biggest hospital that has ever built. I grew up there with a small family which obey the family planning program launched by the big president ever, Mr. Soeharto. I experienced education, no I mean schooling, from kindergarten to senior high school in the same small city, but all schools I attended are the biggest.

The first time I sensed big city is when I went to university in the big city. An university that has big trust from the society. However, I stayed in a small rented house with my three friends whom I knew since I was in the senior high school. However, once more, I always did homecoming every single week. I went back from big city to small city. I did not really enjoy my time in that big city.

Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

The God of Matchmaker

Dear god of matchmaker,

Last week, on Tuesday twenty seventh of January, for the first time I visited the Taiwanese Buddhist temple of yours. It is not too big enough, but the character of Forever Love is clearly written in the wall behind you. You know, I smiled and whispered to my heart, 'I finally found you. Here in Tainan, not in Hscinchu as I planned before.'

I remember your long beard with a long-term smile. I saw young people came and prayed to you. I believe that they asked your blessing in finding their loved one. They must be single souls who long for being united with their lover soul. Maybe they have been waiting since a long long time, ago.